Eric David Laxman in two-person exhibition at Mikhail Zakin Gallery
Sarah Haviland Curates Exhibition at Bergen Community College
The interdisciplinary show, Ornithology: Patterns in Flight is co-curated by Sculptors Guild member Sarah Haviland and features work by Haviland and fellow SG member Caroline Bergonzi. The exhibition on the theme of flight, invited artists and composers inspired by birds and features musical birdsong performance events. On view through 3/27/20. MORE INFO
Irene Gennaro in Group Exhibition at Westbeth Gallery
Irene Gennaro will be in the Textile Study Group of NY - "The Gold Standard" Group Exhibit at Westbeth Gallery from 2/5/20 - 2/23/20.
Opening reception February 5th- 6-8 PM
Image: Cloud Cluster by Vera Irene Gennaro
Peter Strasser in two exhibitions at Lagstein Gallery and Blue Hill Art & Cultural Center
Peter Strasser is in a 2-person exhibition, Earth-links, at Lagstein Gallery, 85 South Broadway, Nyack, NY 10954. Opening Reception 1/18/20 2-5pm, closes 2/16/20. More Info
Peter is also in the group show, Past & Present, at Blue Hill Art & Cultural Center,1 Blue Hill Plaza Pearl River, NY 10965. Closes 4/4/20. More Info
Vera Manzi Schacht in exhibition at Church of the Heavenly Rest
Vera Manzi-Schacht is in the exhibition Spirit in Creation at the Undercroft Gallery at the Church of Heavenly Rest. Opening Reception: 1/14/20 6:30-8:30pm. On view through 3/15/20. More Info
Vera Manzi Schacht will be in the group show at Denise Bibro Fine Art
Vera Manzi Schacht will be in the group show Art from the Boros VII at Denise Bibro Fine Art, 529 West 20th Street 4W, New York, NY 10011
Opening, Thursday, January 9th, 5-8pm
Janet Goldner Receives Fulbright Specialist Grant to Japan
Janet Goldner was awarded a Fulbright Specialist Grant to Japan. Goldner will conduct a three week workshop from February 10- March 2, 2020 for visual art students at Kyoto Seika University. Inspired by a process originated by the renowned feminist art critic, Arlene Raven, participants are guided to examine the reasons and context of their artistic production in order to deepen their understanding of their work and learn how to present their work.
Damon Hamm Winter Solstice Event 12/21/19 12:21pm
Damon Hamm's Winter Solstice Event - Wavehenge Sundial Sculpture | 2019.12.21 at 12:21pm | 679 Riverside Dr, New York, New York 10031
This winter solstice, 2019.12.21 at 12:21pm, Damon's sculpture “wavehenge” will experience its 3rd solar alignment (and longest shadows) of the year. Damon will be there taking photos and hoping for strong shadows, but be forewarned, it can be very cold and windy this time of year! @damon.hamm @wavehenge
Janet Rutkowski Hosts Closing Exhibition Brunch at The Royal Gallery 12/21/19
Sawyer Rose Exhibition at San Marco Gallery, Dominican University, San Rafael, CA
For Neither Love Nor Money:
Women’s Invisible Labor
November 12, 2019 - January 17, 2020
San Marco Gallery, Dominican University, San Rafael, CA
This touring exhibition from artist Sawyer Rose and The Carrying Stones Project shines a light on the systemic inequalities that working women face, including the physical, emotional, and practical effects of these disproportionate labor loads. The artworks in this show portray the deeply personal work stories of a diverse group of women and are accompanied by the data that tells a bigger story.
SG member Janet Rutkowski curates group exhibition at The Royal in Williamsburg BK with work by SG Member Howard Kalish
The Royal @ RSOAA is pleased to present, Identity Crisis a group exhibition curated by Janet Rutkowski (SG MEMBER) featuring six artists, Zhen Guo, Candy Heiland, Parris Jaru, Howard Kalish (SG MEMBER), Walter Kenul, and Carri Skovzek, whose work explores the complexities of identity.
On view: 11/22 - 12/22, 2019
Address: 400 S. 2nd St., BK, NY 11211
Opening Reception:
Friday, 11/22/19, 7 -9 PM
There is a theory that speaks of four interconnecting factors of the identity relating to its outcome. One definition states that the crisis of identity represents the struggle to find a balance between developing a uniqueness while still being accepted and fitting into society. Contrary to popular belief, this can happen at any stage of life, childhood, adolescence, and adult. This is strangely connected to the metaphysical. As one deals with obstacles without resistance, the soul or spirit raises up a level in the spiral of being. A new phase of life and energy begins.
Old School Rent Party Fall 2019
Presented by The Sculptors Guild @ The renee and chaim gross foundation
Join us for the Sculptors Guild Old School RENT PARTY w/ LIVE MUSIC @ the Renee & Chaim Gross Foundation! Featuring: FOOD | DRINKS | LIVE MUSIC | SCULPTURE AUCTION. Your contributions will help us meet our goal of $3000 in order to receive a matching grant from an anonymous donor! Tickets are $25 - Pay Now via Paypal or mail checks to: Sculptors Guild, 526 Laguardia Place, #2, New York, New York 10012.
Event Date: Friday, November 8, 2019 from 6-9pm at the Renee and Chaim Foundation, 526 LaGuardia Place, New York City
We did it!! Yes!!!! Made our rent AND our matching grant!!! Whoohoo! The star of the night was Caroline! With the sale of her sculpture for $1000 we were able to achieve our matching grant!! The band was great! Thanks Chuck! (And The Current!) Much appreciation to Daina for planning, organizing and overseeing food & refreshments! A HUGE thanks to Aima for double duty bartending and selling raffle tickets - and having infectious fun all the while. And a HUGE thanks to all the members who helped behind the scenes and on the front lines - we did this with your help!! We could not have achieved this without you! It was great to see everyone plus a bunch of fabulous new members! We surpassed our fundraising goal of $3000 and raised $3365. Thank you to everyone in attendance and a special thanks to the Renee and Chaim Gross Foundation!!
-Thea Lanzisero
President, Sculptors Guild
Andro+Glicksman, Irene Christensen & Thea Lanzisero in Group Show at Westbeth
Show Dates: November 2-23, 2019
Opening Reception Saturday Nov. 2nd, 5-9pm
Gallery Hours: Wed.-Sun. 1-6pm
Featuring the work of
Irene Christensen
Thea Lanzisero
Aleksandr Razin
Something’s Gotta Give, is comprised of
sculpture, installation, projection and painting
as commentary by four artistic perspectives
on the current state of the world, their attitude
and concern for the continued present trajectory
of human habit and habitation on the planet.
Our survival depends on a major change in
attitude and action. Is this even possible?
Somethings Gotta Give.
Westbeth Gallery
55 Bethune St. New York, N.Y. 10014
Betty McGeehan Sculpture Exhibition at Nicholas F. Rizzo Fine Arts
Betty McGeehan Sculpture Exhibition opens Fri 11/1, 6-8pm at Nicholas F. Rizzo Fine Arts | 32 Watchung Ave Chatham, NJ
Gay Malin in Group Show at Limner Gallery
Gay Malin is in the group exhibition, A Show of Heads, at the Limner Gallery in Hudson, NY. The openng is on Sat 10/19 from 5-7pm.
New Member Fall Application Deadline October 6, 2019
Elaine Lorenz Ceramic Sculpture Exhibition in Piermont, New York
Organic Abstractions: Ceramic Sculpture by Elaine Lorenz. An exhibit of work from several of the artist’s series; including new pieces and the full scale pattern used for the bronze casting of ‘Élan Vital’, that was commissioned for the Piermont Pier and donated to the village. Includes indoor, outdoor and wall pieces. Reception 10/06/2019; 2-5pm. The OUTSIDE IN, Piermont NY.
June Ahrens installation at University of Connecticut, Stamford
June Ahrens installations addressing gun violence, How Many Tears Are Enough?, at University of Connecticut, Stamford, opens with a reception on 10/17 5-7pm. Closes 12/5. MORE INFO
SG Old School RENT PARTY w/ LIVE MUSIC NOV 8th, 2019!! Bring your friends!!
Join us for the Sculptors Guild
@ the Renee & Chaim Gross Foundation!
Friday, November 8th, 2019, from 6-9pm
Renee & Chaim Gross Foundation | 526 Laguardia Place | New York, New York 10012
$25 Tickets
Donations Welcome
Your contributions will help us meet our goal of $3000 in order to receive a matching grant from an anonymous donor!
Pay Now via Paypal
Or mail checks to:
Sculptors Guild
526 Laguardia Place, #2
New York, New York 10012